Please click HERE to read our COID-19 Risk Assesment
Please see below for our FAQ regarding COVID-19
What if my child feels a bit ill in the morning? I’m sure they will be fine later.
You must not send your child in if they are at all poorly. As a matter of course, we ask you to check with them verbally in the morning how they are feeling. You know your child best. This is so important. You will not be penalised for attendance.
We may check your child’s temperature during the day.
What if my child becomes ill during the day?
If your child or a member of your family have symptoms of COVID- 19, a new persistent cough or a temperature (please see Public Health England Guidance on this) then you must all self-isolate for 14 days. Please inform school, so that we can inform others and tests can be ordered. We are being equally stringent with all staff members. Tests can be ordered through Public Health England/NHS.
What if my child has new symptoms of COVID-19?
What if someone else in our house has COVID- 19?
If your child or a member of your family have symptoms of COVID- 19, a new persistent cough or a temperature (please see Public Health England Guidance on this) then you must all self-isolate for 14 days. Please inform school, so that we can inform others and tests can be ordered. We are being equally stringent with all staff members. Tests can be ordered through Public Health England/NHS.
What if a child or member of staff is confirmed to have COVID-19?
If we have a confirmed COVID -19 case in school, then that bubble would need to be closed and staff and all children (and their respective families) would need to self- isolate for 14 days, tested. The Church hall would be deep cleaned.
Can I take my child inside the main hall.
Parents/carers are to sign in and wave goodbye from the main door and no one will be permitted to enter the building.
Pushchairs are not to be left on the premises.
Toilets and the cloak room are off limits to parents and carers.
Does my child need a water bottle?
Water bottles to be provided from home and taken home each night to be washed.
Can my child bring a backpack?
No backpacks or bulky items- we do not have the space to store and these can be unhygienic and difficult to clean.
Can my child bring their own toys, games or balls in? No.
Toys or extra items should not be brought into school.
Should adults socially distance on Preschool/ Church property?
Two metre social distancing must be maintained by all adults at all times. Parents/carers will wait outside the main front door, observing social distancing and must keep their children with them at all times. Please be patient and respectful.
Can I visit the preschool during the day?
Will other people visit the school during the day?
Visitors to school will only be when needed and social distancing will be closely observed and monitored e.g. plumbers and electricians.
Can my child wear a mask?
Children can wear masks on their journey to and from school but we ask that the parent/carer removes the mask at the door and take it away. It is hard for children to maintain the sterileness of a mask once at preschool.
Will staff wear masks?
Staff may choose to wear a mask but will always uncover their mouths when talking to children. Currently the Splash and Dash team have decided not to wear masks but may wear gloves.
What if my child has medical needs or has an accident/toileting accident in preschool?
We will be following our usual first aid policies but staff should take the additional precaution of wearing PPE.
We may also be calling for you to come in and support or take your child home in certain situations.
How should I travel to school?
You are encouraged to walk, or drive wherever possible. If you use public transport please follow TFL guidelines.
Why are there lines on the Church car park?
To help maintain social distancing. Please wait patiently.
How many people can drop off and collect children?
Only one adult per child should join the queue please.
We understand that you may have to bring siblings with you at this time.
Will the children be social distancing?
Due to the children’s age it will be very difficult for them to understand social distancing. The ratio between staff and children will 15-24 children to 4-5 practitioners with free flow between indoor and outdoor facilities for the entire session. Circle time will be conducted in small groups of children with their key person.